
Peek-a-boo! -- Said 2017

1/01/2017 12:09:00 AM

Image source: http://www.baltana.com/holidays/new-year-2017-desktop-wallpaper-11989.html

It's the time of the year to post a mandatory blog post again. Hahahha.

Whether you're my friend or you're a stranger who somehow stumbled upon this blogpost, I'm not sure whether you'll be interested in reading a story of how a teenage girl got through the year of 2016 and what it meant for her. I actually don't think it's all that interesting. But if you have a minute or two to spare, are you interested in knowing my story? <3

In my last blogpost for 2015, I seemed to be still quite lost and had a very vague idea of how my future is gonna be like. I also had some friendship issues that made me felt quite down for some time.

The most significant thing that happened in 2016 was coming to Taylor's to pursue my degree. Like all movies, stories and novels that you've read, as cliché as it sounds, everything changed, and to my relief, my life changed for the better.

I'm happy to say that I'm now not as lost as I was back in 2015. I have a direction in life now. Well actually, not exactly. I still don't know what to do after I graduate. Heck I don't even know what am I going to do during my internship. But I've decided to set goals along the way and strive to achieve them. That's my direction at the moment.

These days my dad told me that I've changed too. He said that I had somehow became more mature and wiser based on my attitude and the way I talk. Of course, I myself couldn't really tell. But one thing's for sure is that I've gained confidence, mentally. I know that hard work pays off. So when I have a clear goal, all I need to do is to grind myself there.

However, I'd like to learn to do things the smart way too. I've been studying hard and working out hard. There might be better ways for me to achieve all these in a shorter amount of time so that I can fully utilise my time in a day.

Sadly till date, I'm still quite insecure about my outer appearance.

Yes, I've lost weight. But even after losing weight, I'm so afraid that I might gain weight again. I thought I managed to convince myself that what people say to me doesn't matter. I really thought that I could just shrug it off and move on. But everyone has a fatal flaw, and mine just so happen to be my insecurities towards my physiques.

And negative comments on my outer appearance are like dealing the final blow to me.

"Everyone is beautiful in their on way." I believe in this statement. Correction, believed would be a better word.

This statement is utter nonsense in today's society. If you're pretty, you win in life. That's just how it is. No one can do anything about it.

The fact that 9/10 girls at Taylor's are gorgeous makes me wanna wear a mask everyday to uni. Strangely, I like looking at pretty girls. I would follow them on social media, like their photos, etc.
It is when I'm occasionally reminded about something that makes me so insecure. And that something is that no matter how good of a person you are -- how friendly, how kind, how genuine -- you'd always lose to those that are better looking than you.

That's human nature, a sealed fact. I'm not asking for the world to change their perception, nor am I fishing for compliments, I'm just sharing what makes me so insecure, as I've said countless times before, this blog is like my diary.

Hmm.. I guess I'm still far from being mature. I'm still as weak as ever. *sighs*

One day.. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to love myself more.

Also, having gone through some hardships in friendship, I thought that uni is going to be much more cruel than what I was experiencing at that time. To be frank, I was scared to make new friends. I even thought of spending my time at uni as a lone ranger, that's how badly that crack in what seems like an ever-lasting friendship gave me.

But this thought came across my mind.
Am I going to be a coward forever? 
They are waiting to see me fall, and I'm walking right into the trap. Who am I to get trashed by these people? They don't deserve to do that to me.

Not the lady that said I can't get an ATAR above 85, not the guys who fat shamed me, not those that spread rumours about me. And definitely not those that called out to me, forcing smiles and faking friendship, only to stab me at my back.

None of them deserve to make me feel shitty. And nothing drives me more than the fury in me to prove all these people wrong.

I've proven most of them wrong this year.  I've got the score that I wanted, shed tonnes of weight and made so many new friends that I consider to be genuine friendship. The best part of it is that I did all these for myself unknowingly. The anger and fury in me can only serve as a driving force for some time, what really pushed me to the other achieving end was my own desire.

So I thank all of them, for trashing me, for looking down on me, for making me a laughing stock. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I've grown so much and I'm happier than ever before, you have no idea.

Now, having realised how childish I was to dwell in the past and to be tied down by my own negative thoughts, I promised myself I'll do great in uni. Be it studies, events, friendships, etc. I know I'm capable of doing well, so I'll do exactly that.

So how was 2016 to me in a nutshell?

I enjoyed it far more than 2015. When I'm feeling stressful because of my studies at uni, I'll just remind myself of how it was like back when I was taking SACE, and find myself not stressful anymore.

I've made so so many friends. I'm very grateful to have met my current uni mates. No mind tricks, no dissing, no stereotyping. Just how friends should really be like. 

Another good thing that happened was me losing almost 10kg of weight. Hahahah. When I wrote my new year's resolution last year, I really thought I wouldn't be able to accomplish it. Well, once again, hard work does pay off. 

I didn't have much worries when I tried to lose weight. I didn't think committing your time to exercise everyday and changing your diet were as hard as what everyone says on the internet. I had a clear goal, and all I need to do is to just do what I should do, no?

I'm blessed and happy to have gone through 2016 with so much love from everyone hehe. <3

Aaaaand now, it's the time to set my new set of new year's resolutions! I'm starting to have faith in myself after having achieved what I thought was impossible. I know I'm being greedy with this but let's see how many of this will be checked by 31/12/2017!

Shu En's 2017 To-do List!

1) Get the body I want
2) Get the results I want
3) Earn and save at least 5k
4) Learn Korean/ Brush up on Japanese
5) Learn web development/ app development
6) Utilize free time
7) Be happy

Alright, first off, body goals. Now that I've reached my ideal weight, I'd want to get that "11 abs". Not literally, but the lines at the sides of the mid-riff. Start hitting the gym again, Shu En!! Do you really want that body or not?!

Next, getting the results that I want for uni. Like I've promised myself all this while, I'll give my best shot to all my tests, exams, etc. Giving up is not an option for me.

Also, start earning money! T-talk? Business? Investment? Whichever, just start earning some money and continue being a cheapskate at uni. All to save up 5k and hopefully more to fund myself to go on a volunteering programme with AIESEC or for holidays.

I'd want to attend Korean language classes and get a certificate for it. I will also try to read back the things that I've studied for my N3. Maybe, just maybe I'd like to go for internship to Japan or maybe even work there? Getting N2 would definitely help me.

Learning the front and back end of web development is something that I've been wanting to do back in my high school days, ever since I started blogging and seeing how the bloggers have their own customised websites. I guess it's time to work on it.

24 hours a day is not enough because I made it so. I'm going to utilise my time well, be it reading or blogging when I'm free. Just cut down the time spent on social media aaaaand Korean dramas!!

Last but not least, be happy in the things that I do. Because being happy in life is what matters to me most, followed by family and friends. <3

Note to self:

One last thing! It would be more appropriate to put this under my wish list so this isn't included in the to-do list. So.. Ermmm.. Will I be able to get a boyfriend? Hahahaha gosh why am I making myself feel awkward. >//<

Wishing everyone good health, joy, luck and prosperity in the year of 2017! Fret not over the sorrows and hardships of 2016, take joy in the presence of new beginnings. May 2017 be a smooth-sailing year for you and your loved ones!

Here's to the start of a new year and hopefully, to the start of new found adventures in life!

In a few minutes' time, firecrackers will be decorating the night sky one after another, from all across the globe. A sign of a new year, an indication of new hopes, a settlement to new resolutions.

Thank you, 2016. One of the most memorable years. I bid you farewell.

Thank you everyone who has helped shaped me to be a better individual. Also, I thank myself for doing well.

Peek-a-boo, 2017! Let's see what's in store for us, shall we?

All the best! ;D


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