Sem 2 Ended!
12/31/2016 12:31:00 AM![]() |
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Again, with just a blink of an eye, sem 2 ended! I kinda feel that time passes just waaaayyy too fast in sem 2 compared to sem 1, I don't really know why. It's saddening 'coz at this rate, I'll be graduating very soon and I don't want to! D:
Seeing my relatives dragging their feet to work makes me want to attend uni for the rest of my life as I'm afraid of having to do something that bores me as a daily routine for the rest of my life. I'm aware that if I were to work for something that I'm passionate about, life wouldn't be as meaningless. However, there's a little problem -- I don't know what I wanna be. D:
Yea sure, at least I'm doing a course that I kinda like, but I can't envision myself doing anything related to the IT field. In fact, I can't foresee myself doing anything at all.
Maybe I'm not exposed to the available options yet? Or maybe I'm just too anxious? I'm not sure. But one thing's for sure, my relatives' constant, persistent encouragements for me change my course to pursue law or doctorate aren't of any help.
I'll show you being a "mere IT student" can be successful too, just mark my words. I'm actually grateful for this because nothing drives me more than proving myself I could pull off the stuffs that people told me I couldn't. But I do hope I don't get ahead of myself though ><
Okay, time for a 'lil recap on the things I did for sem 2.
The first major thing that happened was that I finally changed my laptop! Woohoo! Something odd happened to my 7 years old Dell during my sem 1 at the best timing of all which was nearing assignment deadlines and finals. I'm so grateful that I uploaded the important files on Google drive before it crashed or else I would've been a goner. After sending it to repair for a few times, nothing seems to be wrong now so I'm using it as my gaming laptop hehe.
I had spent more time attending meetings for L.I.V.E club this semester. Not sure whether I've already mentioned this club in my previous posts but I don't mind promoting it again. L.I.V.E club is a new club at TULC and we sing! A cappella style ;D So if you're interested to join us, do leave a comment or contact me and I'll get back to you asap! Hahha
Other than meetings, I spent a lotttttt of time to rehearse for both singing performances under L.I.V.E club and Kpop dance flashmob under K-gen club. A cappella performance kinda reminds me of my high school choir so I was quite comfortable to perform for it. Signing myself up for the Kpop flashmob however, took me so much courage! T^T
Firstly, I'm terrible at dancing. Second, I suck at dancing. Third, I can't dance.
Despite all these, I managed to convince myself to step out of my comfort zone and go all out in doing the things that I've always wanted to do throughout the years in uni. As performing a dance in front of a crowd was something that I've been wanting to do ever since Kpop
I tried raising funds for charity for the first time in uni for the homeless under an event named Let Mee Feed You which was a street feeding event. I couldn't make it to the actual street feeding day but overcoming my shyness to have people to buy cakes to raise funds was quite fun and very rewarding hehe.
I'm grateful that I got to join the event 'coz in the later part of sem 2, we had to raise funds for L.I.V.E club so I recommended the committees to sell the cakes from the same pastry shop, Uco Pastry. We were impressed as we always manage to sell around 60 cakes before noon throughout the days when we had out booth. We sold their signature cheese cake and passionate chocolate at that time. A lil shout out for them, their cakes are darn *&%$#!%@ delicious!! Aaaand the pastry shop owner is so so friendly! Drop a comment below if you wish to contact the pastry shop owner hehe.
Another big thing that happened in sem 2 was joining the E&I club. Duncan pleaded one of the committees to slide my name into the list of interviewees because I missed the registration day and I'm really grateful for it.
To be honest, even though Duncan gave me a second chance to join E&I, I was contemplating whether I should go for the interview or not. A part of it was because I feel that it's unfair for the rest of the interviewees, but most of it was because I was afraid that I couldn't cope up with all the activities I've joined with the addition of E&I into the picture. At that time, again with the same thought of joining whatever the hell I want given the chance so I won't leave behind any regrets, I made my decision.
I went for the interview, landed myself as a probate in the club and went for their Kickstart camp that lasted for 3 days 2 nights in the woods and gosh, it was amazing to get to learn so much stuffs over this short amount of time and better yet, befriending many, many amazing individuals in the club. (Plus all the girls are so pretty! *squeals*) I'm currently still being assessed whether I'm cut off to be an executive member for the club, anxiously awaiting their email. ><
What my calendar looked like in September. I'm glad I'm still alive after all those hahaha
Also! I started to cook this sem! I've never actually had the chance to cook 'coz every time I want to help out my mom in the kitchen, my mom is afraid that I'll blast off the kitchen so I could only, and only sometimes, be allowed to see her cook. And I'm not joking :'(
One fine day in early sem 2 when I actually woke up hours before my class starts (which is very very unusual), I had a sudden craving for sweet and sour dish. I dumped whatever there is in the fridge and tried recalling how my mom cooked it after seeing her cooking it once and manage to come up with a decent dish! It's really edible, don't go bullying me in the comments =p
So I thought since I could use the kitchen in my unit, why not I cook my lunch and dinner and bring it to uni instead of spending so much money on the food at Taylor's plus worrying about the calories? To those who wants to save money, cooking is the way to go. Of course you'll need to sacrifice your sleeping time, but you can always go about it by sleeping early to be able to wake up earlier to cook.
One meal at Taylor's is around RM 8 ~ RM 13. Assuming it's RM10 per meal, 2 meals per day for 5 days would cost up to RM 100. Buying the ingredients to cook which includes lots and lotttts of greens for my salad, chicken breast, eggs, bananas etc would cost me at most RM25. So I can save up to RM75 just by cooking! The maximum I've spent in a week was RM 50, and that was including the days I couldn't wake up to cook and the days I opted Sub of the day for dinner. Another plus point, RM25 worth of groceries could last me at least 2 weeks. Do the rest of the maths yourself.
I'm proud to say that I actually achieved my new year's resolution which was to lose weight. All thanks to my best friend, determination. To think that I used to hit the gym almost every single day in sem 1 makes me feel amazed at my own dedication HHAHAH. Sem 1 was all about me non stop hitting the gym and running at least 5km per day, 7km on alternate days and 10km on the days where I had cheat meals plus eating healthily. Sem 2 was all about cooking. I know I shouldn't make excuses saying I had no time for gym but I don't feel all that guilty because I was strict on my diet and dancing is a form of exercising, right? Hehe
I've also joined my very first hackathon this sem! It's called Imagine Hack, organized by TU Agents of Tech Club. I attended the event with my assignment group (Scarlett, Adrian minus Duncan who was Singapore bound that time). We ended up coding the prototype for our assignment using phone gap, doing the report and using photoshop to come up with the layout for our "app", VizFit during that 2 days 1 night. It was overall a fun experience because the rest of my uni gang were there too hehe <3 They provided tonnnnes of snacks (which I can't eat! D:) aaaand there were cute bean bags for us to rest hehe.
The best event by far that I've joined at Taylor's was the StartUp Weekend at our campus. I think I'll talk more about the event in a separate blogpost 'coz I feel like it might get quite lengthy hehe.
Ohh, remember that I've mentioned that I spent a lot of time on L.I.V.E club practises? It's all for one performance, our debut performance at Scholar's Annual Dinner. We had practised our ass off for our audition video, the "physical"/ in person audition and when we finally made it to the list of performers for the event, we were all the more desperate because our debut performance meant a lot. So as all the other subsequent performances. We want to be able to leave an impression on our audience based on the things that we put up on stage for less than 3 minutes, and a good one at that.
Mistakes were made, the audio quality was terrible because of problems with the mic and condenser... but stuff it. We enjoyed it, and that's all that matters.
Kudos to Halim! <3
Another thing I loved about sem 2 was the steamboat sessions we had over at my unit! We actually didn't have that many steamboats, I think we only had 2 (?) steamboats. I remember for the first steamboat, I didn't even eat the steamboat with my friends and ate salad instead. I think there was a legit reason for this. Err.. If I could recall correctly, it was quite late that time to even have cheat meals so I had salad instead. Hahahha. Ohh! And I was "experimenting" the salad dressing together with Scarlett. The Honey Mustard dressing we made that day was actually very nice! The other dressing that I liked was the classic salad dressing -- olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper.
More of my friends came for the second steamboat session and my lovely friends forced me to eat it so I didn't have a choice hahahha. My Japanese housemate joined us too! We were weeb-ing for almost an hour during the steamboat hahha. I felt happy that I got to know my housemates, both Ching Fern and Chihiro much better in sem 2. <3
The 2 most memorable movies for this semester were Train to Busan and Kimi no Na Wa. I watched Train to Busan with Scarlett at Paradigm mall and made her feeling so ashamed because I was bawling my eyes out throughout the movie.
Dear Scarlett, if you ever get to read this, please know that I'm reflecting on my sins. Let's watch another sad movie together at the cinemas next time HAHAHHA.
I watched Kimi no Na Wa with my uni mates just before finals. 'Coz why not, right? Been wanting to watch it for the longest time and oh my gosh, I really enjoyed it. Sending infinite love to Makoto Shinkai for not making the usual ending! If you haven't already, give these 2 movies a shot! I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do ;D
Just like our post finals Penang trip, we're supposed to have one, this time round, to PD. Too bad the plan fell through as many of our uni mates couldn't make it. :( Hopefully there's next time!
Now that I looked back at the things that I've done in sem 2, I think sem 2 wasn't that short of a time after all hahahhaha. I'm really glad that I pushed myself (sometimes too hard) into doing the things that I want. I enjoyed both my sem 1 and sem 2 hehe :D
Ending my stroll down to memory lane (lol), it's time to face the reality that I really don't want to face.
Hello, Sem 3.
I was supposed to have 3 months holidays. 3 MONTHS.
There's a short semester for us. So we only get one week plus of holidays, and we'll be back to hit the books.
Thank you Taylor's for this awesome idea of having a short semester. And thank you brain, for choosing Software Engineering out of 83823746 courses that don't have a short semester out there.