Yenmy's sweet 16

8/14/2013 08:36:00 PM

The most recent activity was that -- Yenmy's 16th birthday. ( Happy belated birthday, yummy! ) It falls on 11 August but she celebrated early, which was on a Friday, 2nd of August. The party was held at the Seaview Restaurant in one of the VIP rooms. I wore a light pink short dress with a ribbon tied at the back. I named it the "Marilyn Monroe Dress", the reason is that I'll need to do Marilyn's signature pose whenever the wind or even a breeze strikes. I was the 2nd guest, following Venessa. We walked out at the back of the restaurant since it was still early. One of yenmy's student reporter senior took these for us:

Thanks to the photographer! =]

The guests arrived shortly after that. Before and during our buffet, selfie time!

Vanilla xD

Zhe Zhe ( Erick ) <3 xp

Haru-chan! =D

Ughh, kah lin =/ those 3 are cute xD (Abby, Eugene, Erick )

Birthday girl! Prettyy xD

The forever shy, yi hong ;D

My 1st wife, Kai Yi, muahaha xD
There was this sign language dance session from the student reporter gang, the dance was very cute and I like it! =D Now, the cutting cake ceremony! ( Direct translation from Chinese because I have no idea what it's called in English )

The girl in the screen is gonna eat me.. TT

And of course, what calls it a party without karaoke, we sang and dance the old hits gangnam style, Gee, Macarela, Nobody and many more! This picture sums up the night:

I had a blast, it was an awesome party! =D Hope you enjoy reading this =] Do post some comments!

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