I felt bad for breaking my annual streak last year of not upholding this sacred ritual of yearly reflections (I was at Taiwan for year-end countdown at Taipei 101) so here I am now, not to redeem myself but to make sure that I don't live with the same guilt the next year 😂I remember dreading the thought of entering 2023 last year....
2021, the year where everyone thought COVID would be under control and we would all resume our pre-COVID lifestyles. At the time of writing, we're still a far cry from being able to travel anywhere freely, but the situation has indeed gotten a little better from a few months ago. I stopped hoping that the whole situation would get better soon, but I still hope...
This year, while thinking about what to write for this post, I felt a little lost.For the past few years of writing this post around this time of the year, I was always eager to look back to some fond memories throughout the year. This year is a lil different. I've been staring at the empty draft for this post for a whole 30...