Taylor's scholarship interview + shine awards

8/10/2016 01:32:00 AM

Image source: here.

As mentioned in my previous post, there are a few scholarships that you can apply. If you're looking into applying scholarships at Taylor's, I suggest you to ask them directly during their open day and have someone assist you in this. There might be some extra info regarding the scholarships that's not being stated on the website. Interviews for scholarships depends on the amount you're entitled for, so some may not need to attend any interview and some will have to go through interviews.

So how did my interview go and how was it like?

It went, uhh, I would say not thaaaat okay. You'll know why later.

We are required to do our own curriculum vitae and photostat a bunch of your certificates, results and etc. Before this I only heard of CV but I had absolutely no idea what it was. I simply came up with what I thought was the best version after referring to hundreds on them on Google images.

For my interview, it was half Q&A and half sharing. My interviewer asked me a few question based on my CV -- mainly about my achievements. When he's interested to know more on it, he'll ask you to talk more on it.

Aside from all the common interview questions, here are a few questions that you might wanna prepare before hand:

1) Why do you choose to study this course?
(I guess you would be saying something related to passion. )

2) What have you done so far to pursue your passion?
(I dont think this will be asked again. I just got unlucky that I was asked about this I guess.)

3) Why Taylor's? How does the IT school (for example) differ from the IT school at Sunway, Monash etc?

For the first question, it's extremely important that you show your enthusiasm in the course you're pursuing. Even if you're not enthusiastic at all, do it for the sake of receiving a scholarship. Then again, don't study courses that you're not passionate about in the slightest bit. It's not okay. :(

For the second question, I wish someone told me this earlier: Just simply crap about it.
If you're applying for a business scholarship, say that you and your friend are doing an online business on insta. If you're applying for a law scholarship, maybe you can mention that you're helping out at a law firm??

If you can't lie through it, then don't. It's actually not good to lie. Plus, the chances of him knowing that you're lying is quite high the more questions he ask you on it.

For the third question, I was quite sure I mentioned all the obvious differences there is between Taylor's and other uni but somehow my interviewer told me to find out more about it from senior. So... I can't help much for this question.

A key note to remember, know who's your interviewer before stepping into that room. You never know what might happen. What happened to me was that at the very end of the interview, my interviewer asked me this question: Do you know who I am?

At that very moment, I know I'm screwed.

So dear readers out there, kindly find out who your interviewer is beforehand. A way to do this is to ask the person who assists you to the interview room about your interviewer before or while walking there. I'm not 100% sure of this but usually scholars (students) are the ones that lead you into the room. So grab that opportunity and ask them the name of your interviewer and their position in the school.

However, do keep in mind that you need to work for Taylor's to pay off the scholar hours. The amount of scholar hours you need to do varies according to the amount of scholarship you get. So, if you get a higher scholarship amount, you have to work more to cover your scholar hours.

As of 2016 March, if you're a 10k scholarship recipient, your scholar hours is 140 hours per year. If you're a scholar who received up till 20k, then you'll need to work for 280 hours. They'll let you know the details of how do you find jobs and basically how does the whole scholars at work thingy works during your scholar's orientation party.

To be honest, I still don't quite fully understand how the whole thing works myself. But basically, you can "look for jobs" at Taylor's Scholars secret group. Sign up for it, work for it and claim your scholar hours.

Taylor's also offer the shine awards program which according to them, is supposed to help you stand out among the many graduates after you've completed your degree. What makes you different from the others? This second transcript (shine awards) will let your employers know your achievements and your involvement in extra-curricular activities throughout your years in uni. So basically it's like the markah kokurikulum thing in local high schools.

The activities that you can do or the events that you can participate to earn shine points most of the time allow you to claim scholar hours as well. It's like killing two birds at a stone in a sense.

If you're going for the scholarship interview, I wish you the best of luck! I'll be at uni for the next 2-3 years or so, say hi when you bump into me on campus! If you wanna know more about how it's like studying at Taylor's for one semester, read here.

Thanks for reading! xoxo

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  1. Hi, I read out your this blog multiple times and feels interesting every time. I don't know if you are active or not. I applied for Taylor's university too. its a research masters program in CSE. and I am waiting for my scholarship interview now. do you have any other details about the interview? if you wish to contact personally you can leave a message here. md.sayemhossain.25@gmail.com 😊

